Life Style

Bryan Johnson’s shocking wellness regimen he shares with son

What a father figure!

Bryan Johnson, the 47-year-old tech millionaire who’s poured millions into his quest for immortality, has revealed the strict daily longevity routine that he shares with his son, Talmage, 19.

The pair — who have been praised for looking “like brothers” — shocked the world in 2023 when they announced they had undergone “the world’s first multi-generational plasma exchange,” along with Johnson’s father, now 71, to try to remain forever young.

Following the release of his new Netflix documentary, “Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever,” Johnson took to X on Thursday to explain how to “build a family culture of health and hard work.”

The pair shocked the world in 2023 when they announced they had undergone “the world’s first multi-generational plasma exchange,” along with Johnson’s father, now 71. Bryan Johnson/YouTube

Start with the basics: Johnson and Talmage wake up at 5 a.m., eat their “final meal of the day,” a combination of veggies, nuts, seeds and berries, at noon and head to bed at 8:30 p.m.

Johnson has poured millions into his quest for immortality. YouTube/, The Diary Of A CEO

“By the time I go to bed at 8:30 pm, primary digestion is done and my resting heart rate is around 47-49 bpm,” Johnson recently detailed on his site. “If I eat later in the day, my resting heart rate will be between 55-58 bpm because my body is still digesting food and it will lessen my sleep quality by ~30%.”

When he hits the hay, there’s little tossing and turning as Johnson enjoys lots of deep and REM sleep.

He said he’s been able to achieve “perfect sleep” in part by having an evening wind-down ritual and cutting out late-night activities. He also doesn’t consume caffeine or alcohol.

Johnson tests out a device he claims can simulate the effects of performing 20,000 sit-ups. Instagram / bryanjohnson_

No surprise that father and son fuel up with Johnson’s Blueprint stack, his comprehensive supplement program that’s available on Amazon. Johnson’s hefty protocol features metformin for blood glucose regulation and proferrin for iron and red blood cell production.

He follows a vegan diet, except for collagen peptides. He typically consumes 2,250 calories a day, 130 grams of protein, 206 carbs and 101 grams of fat.

Breakfast is a protein mix with cocoa, extra virgin olive oil and macadamia nut milk, while lunch at 9 a.m. is a super veggie bowl.

The durability duo does a daily 60-minute workout that blends strength, cardio, flexibility and balance. Reverse pushups, pull-ups, squats, bicep curls and 10 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are among the exercises on the docket. And finally, the pair engage in “focused work.”

When asked for the documentary about his relationship with Talmage, Johnson said that, “Talmage views me as his future self, and I view Talmage as my former self.”

“I think we’re both just talking to ourself when we’re engaged in our conversations,” he added.

Johnson and Talmage exercise for an hour a day. Bryan Johnson/X

The Netflix interviewer joked: “I thought you were gonna say that you view Talmage as your future self.”

“Yeah, in many ways, that’s true,” Johnson laughed.

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