
While hosting Xi from China, Biden offers regrettable platitudes about the 2024 re-election that Republicans can’t seem to overcome.

It took the arrival of a Chinese dictator in San Francisco to finally clean the dirt off the streets, at least temporarily.

Sure, they had to erect cages around the sidewalks to keep them clear until President Xi Jinping leaves California, but it’s better to be seen as a prison than a pigsty.

It’s all theater, of course.

Chinese leaders and other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders know that after the facelift, San Francisco will revert to a feces-covered slum, as zombies are released from wherever they have been hiding. .

Everyone has seen videos of addicts folded in suspended animation or lying on the floor among used needles and human excrement.

TikTok’s algorithms make sure those videos are seen.

Before Xi’s visit, the Chinese media had a lot of fun criticizing San Francisco as a “garbage city,” a “ruined city,” a “fallen city,” and a “total failure.”

In addition to being an avoidable tragedy, the deadly drug crisis in the United States makes us an international laughingstock, the indicator of a civilization on the fast track to hell.

You would think that the American president would be embarrassed by that fact. But far from it, Joe Biden also thinks it’s funny.

At a glittering fundraiser in downtown San Francisco on Tuesday night, Biden began his speech by thanking Mayor London Breed for “welcoming us to your city. “It kind of shines right now.”

The White House press office transcript indicates that “laughter and applause” greeted his amusing remark.

Yes, disguising the misery of San Francisco is a source of joy for Biden’s big donors who live there, or at least in California.

Real estate mogul Clint Reilly and his wife, Janet, owner of the Biden fanzine The San Francisco Examiner, former Disney president Jeffrey Katzenberg and former Mayor Willie Brown, a former friend of Kamala Harris, reportedly paid up to $200,000 each for the pleasure to see Biden speak that night.

Biden’s undeclared shadow rival for the presidential nomination, Governor Gavin Newsom, was also there, equally shameless about the ease with which the city had been cleared for foreign VIPs, but never for the poor idiots who can’t escape to gated properties. and chauffeur-driven limousines.

“I know people say, ‘Oh, they’re just cleaning this place up because all these fancy leaders are coming to town,’” Newsom told reporters when asked to explain the stunning overnight transformation. “That’s true because it’s true.”

That’s what happens with today’s Democrats. They don’t really care about the normal things that used to motivate politicians in the past, like clean streets, low crime, and a healthy economy.

Deceive the electorate

The rest of Biden’s speech Tuesday night reflects this belief that voters can be manipulated and tricked into voting against their best interests, if they are scared enough.

With a mix of resentment that everyone underestimates him and arrogance about his prospects, Biden’s comments foreshadowed his 2024 campaign speech.

He began by boasting about the “incredible night” Democrats had at the polls last week, “despite all predictions except ours.”

The ostentatious Catholic spoke of abortion as if it were a magical talisman and falsely accused Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin of having been “in the process of banning abortion, trying to do it” before he was thwarted.

“The American people voted to protect our fundamental freedoms like the right to choose, they voted to protect our democracy, they voted against the extremism of our opponents, and they voted for the progress we have been making. “They voted again and again.”

Democratic victories in Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania, he said, were a “continuation of what we saw in 2020, when we were told we weren’t going to win, and again in 2022, when we were supposed to be eliminated.” .”

He then boasted about Bidenomics, falsely claiming that CPI statistics released that day showed that “inflation continues to decline in the country.”

Cue applause and shouts of “Thank you Joe” from the well-heeled crowd.

But even with fake CPI data, like a ridiculous supposed 34% drop in health insurance costs, what he said wasn’t true.

The CPI inflation rate was 3.2% in October, exactly the same as in September.

At best, inflation is arguably still killing you, but no worse than last month, and has risen nearly 18% since Biden took office.

Still, markets believed the story and happy headlines encouraged Biden to attend the APEC meeting. That’s Bidenomics for you: manipulating the economic narrative by changing the way it is measured.

Vilify Trump

But most of Biden’s speech was dedicated to demonizing Donald Trump, something he attacks with enthusiasm: “Our very democracy is at stake because the same man who proclaimed himself a ‘proud election denier,’ the same man who promised forgive those who were insurrectionists who were condemned on January 6; the same man who said it was time, quote, to “end all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” . . “The same man is running on a platform to end democracy as we know it, and he doesn’t even hide the ball.”

Republicans need to be realistic about what Democrats are doing and how they are succeeding.

His formula is simple: scare voters about abortion, Trump, and “MAGA extremists,” then reassure them with fairy tales about Joe’s great stewardship of the economy and his steady foreign policy achievements.

Democrats now own the mechanisms that shape the narrative, through traditional media and Big Tech censorship, so the truth doesn’t matter.

He may be old and “occasionally stumbles over things,” as his old nemesis Jen Psaki says, but he’s better than the alternative, according to his speech.

It shouldn’t be difficult to defeat an unpopular and confusing old crook who is bringing this great country down with his policies of economic redistribution and open borders, and who has destabilized the world in just three years.

The fact that Biden even has a slim chance is a reflection of the incompetence of his opponents, who can’t even find the courage to get rid of a mediocre Republican National Committee chairman who keeps losing elections.

This week, Ronna McDaniel was in the media trying to justify last week’s disappointments.

Their solution is that the candidates should go on television and talk more about abortion.

Actually? Democrats want nothing more than to turn the 2024 election into another referendum on abortion.

If they can’t beat Joe Biden in a landslide, Republicans deserve Vivek Ramaswamy’s insult of being a “party of losers.”

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