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What really is the root of anti-Jewish hatred on college campuses?

The pro-Hamas protests breaking out at universities across the country have shocked and dismayed Americans.

These protests are foolish and misguided for many reasons, but suffice it to say that it is a monstrous failure in moral judgment to draw an equivalence between deliberately targeting innocents for slaughter and the inevitable, often prevented, collateral slaughter of innocents, especially when they have been planted. . as human shields for terrorist installations in schools, mosques and hospitals.

And the rationalization that Israel should be wiped off the map because it is an apartheid state founded on settler colonialism is a racial hoax as fabricated as the 1619 Project.

Many Americans, who have magnanimously acceded to the “oppressed minorities” narrative of diversity, equity and inclusion, feel betrayed.

How can the children who joined arms with their Jewish comrades on October 6 to demand all “inclusive” accommodations for every last LGBTQIA+ person to “feel safe” and leave his Jewish friends cowering in fear on October 8th while they paragliding? Do they enthusiastically celebrate terrorists who massacred children and shout “Kill all the Jews”?

For this betrayal, many Americans blame university administrators.

In fact, university administrations cannot disown the students they enrolled after boasting that their “holistic admissions” evaluate not only academic promise (that “would not be inclusive”) but the “whole student,” for which they convened the dark art of “personal scoring” to predict “integrity” and “courage.” Good.

Nor are administrators credible when they suddenly proclaim a new love for “academic freedom” to coddle pro-Hamas university militancy when their universities are effectively areas where freedom of expression is not allowed.

First prize for academic freedom hypocrisy goes to Harvard President Claudine Gay, who notoriously led the witch hunt against unorthodox professor Roland Fryer, although University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill is not far behind. in his continued pursuit of unorthodox professor Amy Wax.

However, blaming university administrators is fighting the shadows of the real culprit because the children did not lose their brains and morals when they entered the campus.

That happened in K-12.

Indoctrinate children from K-12 that the United States is hopelessly hateful because it is an apartheid state founded on settler colonialism, and children are prepared to declare that Israel must be wiped off the map because it is also an apartheid state founded in settler colonialism.

This invention, straight from the revolutionary oppressor-oppressed ideology of critical race theory, is equally weaponizable against any Meritocratically earned success story: United States, Israel, Jews, Asians.

But blaming K-12 education remains a fight against the shadows: Who made K-12 toxic?

While education schools Now, the 800-pound gorilla of the CRT is the teachers unions.

But that is still fighting the shadows.

Teachers unions owe their enormous power to their heady marriage to the Democratic Party: Unions provide labor, donations, and future Democratic activists, while Democrats reciprocate with legislation, policies, and friendly taxpayer dollars.

The Democratic Party is the largest provider of CRT; is its core ideology, in which teachers unions act as enthusiastic partners.

Every time Democrats hurl such familiar racial dog whistles as “underrepresented,” “marginalized,” “inequality,” “privilege,” “systemic,” and the latest, a true monster, “reparations,” we recognize CRT’s toxic brands.

And in the CRT racial cauldron, Jews and Israel are unequivocally wrong; The battle cry “From Ferguson to Jerusalem” is no coincidence.

Some “progressives,” pointing to President Biden’s support for Israel and Rep. Ritchie Torres’ denunciation of Hamas, say anti-Semitism occupies only the far-left fringe of the Democratic Socialist Party of America, not the mainstream, Party. Democrat.

But that is illusory, because with CRT as a core ideology, Democratic support for a pro-Western, enterprising, successful Israel that unapologetically rejects the oppressor-oppressed binary is necessarily conflicted.

It is no coincidence that Jimmy Carter already in 2006 called Israel an apartheid state, that Obama sent billions to Iran, the paymaster of Hamas and Hezbollah, that Biden would have sent 6 billion dollars to Iran, if not for the Republican protest, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s first reaction to the Hamas attack was To call for a ceasefire, Democrats Dick Durbin and Chris Murphy call Israel’s campaign “unacceptable” and Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris loudly announced a “anti-Islamophobia” initiative last week.

As if further confirmation were needed, Gallup polls show that Democratic sympathy for Israel, always weaker than Republican support, finally turned deeply negative this year.

Traditional Democrat support for Israel is on borrowed time.

It is the DSA that enjoys coherence between core ideology and Jew-hatred; He has an advantage and is surely winning.

To our Jewish Democratic voting friends: are you ready for this future Democratic Party?

Wai Wah Chin is the founding president of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York.

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