
Anastasia Synn is the world record ‘human cyborg’ with 52 implants

He has a magnetic personality, literally.

Anastasia Synn, 48, of Tehachapi, California, now holds the Guinness World Record for the woman with the most technological implants in her body.

The cyborg and self-made artist It has 52 implants, including the largest magnet ever implanted inside a person, Guinness says.

It also has a magnetic implant in the tragus of the ear that emits sound. He can hear inside your head with a copper wire or Bluetooth receiver and has many other special abilities.

“Finding the holder for someone’s lost earring has also been very useful over the years,” he told Guinness of its magnetic powers.

Anastasia Synn, 48, of Tehachapi, California, holds the Guinness World Record for the woman with the most technological implants in her body.
Guinness World Records
About half of their implants are microchips.
Courtesy of Anastia Synn.

It can pick locks and turn on computers, because about half of its implants are microchips.

Synn, a Toronto native, initially liked the idea of ​​being able to program chips implanted in her phone, and credited her daughter for the inspiration.

“My daughter originally asked me if I could implant a microchip in her to unlock her computer like some gamer girl she saw online, and I said, ‘No, you’d better let me do it first to make sure it’s safe,’” he said. saying.

Synn’s implants in his left hand give him a sort of sixth sense.

“I can tell you if your microwave is leaking too much radiation. My hand vibrates,” she explained.

You can also determine if a power box is receiving enough power and feel for live wires behind a wall.

It can pick locks and turn on computers, because about half of its implants are microchips.
Guinness World Records
She credited her daughter for the inspiration.
Courtesy of Anastia Synn.

Their implants can even make phone calls.

“The one on my left wrist calls my daughter’s phone and the one on my right wrist calls my husband’s phone,” she said.

She honors her late husband with a microchip over her heart.

“The chip over my heart, when scanned, will replay our wedding,” Synn told Guinness.

She honors her late husband with a microchip over her heart.
Guinness World Records

Synn is the widow of John Edward Szeles, also known as the “Freddy Krueger of comedy.”

“The last thing I said to him was, ‘I love you, baby, I’ll be with you when you get up from your nap,’” Synn told the Las Vegas Review-Journal last year.

The magician and comedian died at his home in Las Vegas in February 2022 after a long battle with heart disease. He was 63 years old.

Synn told The Post on Thursday that she will have the implant remade from her husband’s ashes with silicone, without magnets.

“The glue under the biosecure coating came loose,” he revealed. “One day I stretched my arms above my head and my forearm shook. “It was disconcerting, to say the least.”

Synn says his implants are performed by a surgeon and a nurse.
Courtesy of Anastia Synn.
But the procedures carry several risks.
Courtesy of Anastia Synn.

Synn’s body modifications were performed by a clandestine do-it-yourself surgeon as well as a nurse, using either a hypodermic needle and plunger or a scalpel, Guinness reports.

“I put on quite a few and a friend helped me with the ones I couldn’t do on my own,” he said.

Putting implants in the body carries risks, he warned.

“If I find out that I have some kind of disease that requires regular MRIs, I will definitely have all my implants removed,” she said.

And some implants are made with experimental coatings, potentially exposing Synn to toxins.

She said at one point she had her teeth removed to get cyborg dentures that she could put on and take off whenever she wanted, but her dentist couldn’t understand what she wanted.

“I was left without teeth for six months, which caused the shape of the lower part of my face to change and a host of subsequent problems,” Synn said. “I have given up my desire to make cyborg dentures.”

She told The Post that she was able to get the teeth she wanted aesthetically, but without the technological extras.

Some implants are made with experimental coatings, potentially exposing Synn to toxins.
Anastasia Synn/Facebook

He also tried, unsuccessfully, to rebuild a computer inside his leg, but it would need a lithium battery, which is deadly and should not be implanted in the body.

“At one point I had a computer on my leg where people could log in and chat in an open chat interface. However, it overheated and broke and I had to remove it,” she said.

Synn pays close attention to her implants to make sure they don’t break because if they do, they need to be removed and replaced.

“The other day I broke my thumb on the door and I was worried I had broken one of the glass implants, but it survived,” he recalled.

She pays close attention to her implants to make sure they don’t rupture because if they do, they need to be removed and replaced.
The Record Show
Synn learned of her world record on the set of Guinness’ Italian television show, “Lo Show dei Record.”

Synn learned of her world record on the set of Guinness’ Italian television show, “Lo Show dei Record.” She accomplished the feat in February.

He joked that he might be able to create a new record: the most removal surgeries in one day.

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