
Letters to the Editor — June 7, 2024

The Issue: Hunter Biden’s federal criminal trial for gun charges in Delaware this week.

If it weren’t for Miranda Devine and her book “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden might not be facing charges in the friendly confines of “Biden Country” (“Druggie always had it easy,” Miranda Devine, June 6).

The mainstream media ignored her investigative work and used the typical “Russia” nonsense in covering up for Hunter and President Biden.

But the real facts are out front and on display as the president’s son is facing gun charges that cannot be overlooked.

Hunter and Joe are now under the microscope.

The truth is finally making its way to the forefront thanks to your coverage.

Ron Zajicek


The Post should run the names of all those people in government and media who condemned and denied The Post’s discovery and revelation of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Maybe headline the feature as “Russian Disinformation Proclaimers.”

The list of names would be staggering.

A question for all of them: When do you plan to apologize to the American people you lied to?

Jack Ridolph

The Villages, Fla.

Hunter Biden is a true piece of work, with his history as the family’s “man about town” — snorting cocaine and smoking crack in his glorious drug-filled heyday, illustriously buying drugs from and hanging with dope dealers, sleeping with his deceased brother’s widow, consorting with sex workers and allegedly lying on a weapons application.

It all makes this clown “The Bad-Ass Stud of the Year.”

Imagine if one of former President Donald Trump’s sons had been involved in such activities. The New York Times would have a field day.

Earl Beal

Terre Haute, Ind.

The Biden family is known to be close-knit. It is difficult to imagine the pain the president feels in having to deal with Hunter’s trial, which could conceivably land him in prison (“Like father, like son,” June 5).

It is notable that the president has not condemned the trial of his son as “a rigged deal,” “a scam” or “a witch hunt.”

He has not smeared the prosecution team as being “evil,” “sick” or “the devil.”

Instead, our president places his faith in the justice system and those who participate in it.

That is the difference between a man who believes in America and its institutions and one who does not.

Oren Spiegler

Peters Township, Pa.

Hunter Biden’s defense that he didn’t lie on the federal background check form when he said was not an addict sounds a lot like Alec Baldwin’s defense of “the gun fired itself.”

Compared to that defense, Russian conspiracy sounds downright brilliant.

Hunter is not the only one in the courtroom who suffers from delusional thoughts.

Prosecutor Derek Hines showed an embarrassing abundance of naiveté when he said “it doesn’t matter what your name is. No one is above the law.”

Wanna bet?

Hunter will walk.

Make no mistake about it.

Robert Mangi

Garden City

Biden, commenting on Trump’s hush money trial, said no one is above the law.

Seriously, Hunter and our president should both be prosecuted.

Hunter has to be guilty.

If I were in Hunter’s shoes I would be in jail already.

The American public knows it.

But the Democrats will use every angle to get Hunter off.

Robert Caprio

Nutley, NJ

The Democrats have put themselves into a corner by allowing Hunter Biden to go to trial and not seek a plea deal.

Although this trial is as fixed as the Trump trial was, if Hunter is found not guilty, it will underscore the suspicion that there is a two-tiered justice system.

If he is found guilty, and sent to jail, Joe would be pressured to pardon his son.

That would demonstrate that the Bidens are in fact above the law and would provide a campaign issue for Trump.

The Republicans are in a no-lose situation.

All they have to do is just sit back and enjoy the show. Not even they can screw that up — I hope.

Jack Kaufman

Naples, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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