2024 Election

Biden turns 81 as Democrats divide over how to address concerns about his health

President Joe Biden turned 81 on Monday as Democrats divided over how to address the issue of his age as he runs for re-election.

Some Biden advisers, who frequently mumble incoherently during speeches and sometimes seem lost at public events, advocate that his campaign lean toward his age, while others try to ignore the issue. According to recent polls, a growing number of Americans believe Biden’s age is an important factor to consider when she runs in 2024.

“I don’t think the campaign should focus on anything other than the winning record,” said Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), a member of the Biden campaign’s national advisory council. said CNN. “Everything else about people’s biographies or when their birthdays are, that doesn’t matter. People want to know what they did and what they are going to do.”

Some Democrats have said Biden’s age should be used to suggest that he has wisdom and experience, and some want to label him “Grandpa Joe.”

A Democratic donor said POLITICO that the Democratic National Committee rejected concerns about Biden’s age and “refused to even acknowledge it was a problem.”

“I think the strategy is to not even address it, to consider issues like that stupid or silly,” the donor said. “Literally everyone is talking about it, even among donors. But the answer is always: ‘What are you going to do?’”


Some members of Biden’s inner circle are also concerned about the “optics of age,” according to POLITICO.

“Those close allies believe Biden is mentally up to the job, but some acknowledge that the president can sometimes appear fragile, according to two people involved in the talks but not authorized to speak publicly about internal deliberations,” the outlet reported.

Ron Klain, Biden’s former chief of staff, said the Biden campaign needs to figure out how to address age issues.

“I think everyone knows it’s a problem and we have to address it,” Klain said. “[Biden will] “Continue to do the job, campaign vigorously, and demonstrate to the American people your energy level, which is pretty strong.”


The campaign has also proposed several strategies to hide Biden’s aging.

“People close to the president have discussed having him walk shorter distances while on camera. They have also sometimes recommended changing formal shoes for more comfortable ones, both to make your step seem less rigid and to reduce the risk of falls,” POLITICO reported.

Biden also reportedly tried to “pass” reporters while riding his bike. In June 2022, Biden fell while speaking to reporters while bicycling near his beach house in Delaware.

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