2024 Election

Trump, RNC Posts Impressive Fundraising Haul In March, But Remain Far Behind Biden’s War Chest

The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee (RNC) reported a March fundraising haul of $65.6 million, giving the former president $93.1 million cash on hand as he attempts to catch up to the Biden campaign’s numbers, according to POLITICO.

While the impressive haul still falls short of the Biden campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC), it is a welcome sign for Trump’s team as the presumed Republican nominee campaigns around the country, preparing for a rematch against President Joe Biden. Trump’s $65 million haul last month is more than the amount his campaign received in March 2020 when he posted $62 million.

The Biden campaign has yet to report its fundraising numbers for March, but at the end of February, the president, along with the DNC, ended with around $155 million on hand after both Team Biden and the DNC raised $53 million in the month. Biden’s team also reported raising $25 million from a single event last week featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Meanwhile, Trump is set to start April with a major fundraising event at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday, where his aides expect the campaign to pull in more than $40 million, POLITICO reported. Trump’s 2024 war chest and fundraising effort have been hampered by his numerous legal battles, which require him to pay millions of dollars in legal fees, amounts some political action committees are helping cover when their funds would usually be used to boost Trump’s candidacy.

Earlier this week, the former president posted a $175 million bond in his New York civil business fraud case — an amount significantly lowered by an appeals court panel. The bond acts as a guarantee of payment if Judge Arthur Engoron’s $464 million judgment is upheld. If Trump ultimately loses his appeal, he will still have to pay the full amount of Engoron’s judgment, which grows in interest every day, Fox News reported.


While Biden continues to dominate with fundraising, Trump boasts a polling lead nationally and in seven major battleground states, according to the RealClearPolitics average. A poll released Tuesday from The Wall Street Journal showed Trump ahead of Biden in six of the seven battleground states, with Wisconsin being the only exception.

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