
Right-wing rebels attack Rishi Sunak for bringing back David Cameron – – live

Suella Braverman sacked as home secretary by Rishi Sunak after row at pro-Palestine march

Right-wing rebels in the Conservative Party have attacked Rishi Sunak after he brought back David Cameron and sacked Suella Braverman.

Miriam Cates and Danny Kruger, who co-chair the right-wing New Conservatives group of MPs in 2017 and 2019, have said the prime minister is “sacrificing” red wall seats for votes in the south.

“It now appears that the Conservative Party is deliberately moving away from the coalition of voters that brought us to power with a large majority in 2019,” the two MPs said.

“Politically speaking, it appears the leadership has decided to abandon voters who defected to us last time, sacrificing the seats we won from Labor in 2019 in the hope of shoring up support elsewhere.”

Ms Braverman was sacked as Home Secretary following a series of comments that sparked outrage, including the accusation that the Metropolitan Police played “favourites” with pro-Palestinian protesters.

Sunak then appointed former prime minister Lord David Cameron as foreign minister.

Sunak now faces the threat of a revolt from the Conservative right, as right-wingers claimed that angry Braverman supporters could soon submit letters of no confidence and trigger a vote on his leadership.


David Cameron announces UK sanctions against Hamas leaders on his first day as Foreign Secretary

The UK has announced sanctions against four Hamas leaders and two of the militant group’s financiers in one of David Cameron’s first moves as Foreign Secretary.

Yahya Sinwar, Muhammed Deif, Marwan Issa, Musa Dudin, Abdelbasit Hamza and Nabil Chouman have been subject to travel bans, asset freezes and arms embargoes that prohibit the sale of weapons to any of those individuals.

Sinwar, Deif and Issa are all senior Hamas leaders, while Dudin is a Hamas official based in the West Bank and Hamza and Chouman are both financiers, the Foreign Ministry said.

“We will continue to use all the tools at our disposal to disrupt the abhorrent activity of this terrorist organization, working with the United States and our other allies, making it difficult for them to operate and isolating them on the world stage,” the former prime minister said. Lord Cameron said.

“The Palestinian people are also victims of Hamas. “We stand in solidarity with them and will continue to support humanitarian pauses to allow significantly more life-saving aid to reach Gaza.”

The action is coordinated with the United States and aims to disrupt operations even if leaders are “pulling the strings from outside Gaza,” the department said.

(Getty Images)

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 3:30 p.m.


Voters back Sunak’s decision to sack Braverman

Rishi Sunak’s decision to sack Suella Braverman as home secretary appears overwhelmingly popular.

About 70 percent said it was the right decision, while only 17 percent said it was wrong, according to an Ipsos poll.

Opinions on David Cameron’s return are more varied: only 35 percent are in favor and 46 percent are against.

Adam ForrestNovember 14, 2023 3:14 p.m.


Sunak ‘sacrificing’ red wall seats in south, right-wing rebels say

Miriam Cates and Danny Kruger, who co-chair the right-wing New Conservatives group of MPs from 2017 and 2019, attacked Rishi Sunak after he brought back David Cameron and sacked Suella Braverman.

“It now appears that the Conservative Party is deliberately moving away from the coalition of voters that brought us to power with a large majority in 2019,” the two MPs said.

“Politically, it appears the leadership has decided to abandon voters who defected to us last time, sacrificing the seats we won from Labor in 2019 in the hope of shoring up support elsewhere,” they added.

Both Cates and Kruger want the UK to leave the Strasbourg court “whatever the outcome” of the Rwanda court case on Wednesday.

Adam ForrestNovember 14, 2023 2:47 p.m.


Labor’s Rachel Reeves urges Israel to ‘show restraint’ in Gaza

Prominent Labor figure Rachel Reeves has urged Israel to show greater “moderation” in Gaza, as the party prepares for an awkward ceasefire vote in parliament.

Sir Keir Starmer continues to come under pressure from Labor MPs, councilors and activists to end his refusal to back a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

In the strongest comments yet from a leader, the shadow chancellor criticized Israel for not showing enough “restraint” in its bombing of Gaza.

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 2:25 p.m.


Sunak and Cleverly meet Met Police chief

Rishi Sunak and new home secretary James Cleverly met Scotland Yard chief Sir Mark Rowley as the government considers how to improve powers to restrict some protests and crack down on sympathy for extremism.

The prime minister’s official spokesman said the powers available to the police to deal with protests would be kept under review to see if they need to be strengthened.

“The public rightly expects the full force of the law to be used to quell some of the shocking scenes of crime we saw over the weekend, whether EDL protesters or those who appear to support Hamas, a terrorist organisation. outlawed,” the spokesperson said. saying.

The spokesperson said the Prime Minister would speak to Sir Mark to “reach a shared understanding on how to address these protests should there be any major protests in the future”.

“It is important that the police have the powers they need to carry out their role and we will continue to keep this under review.”

Pro-Palestine protest in London on Armistice Day, Saturday 11 November 2023

(AFP via Getty Images)

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 1:55 p.m.


SNP criticizes ‘absurdity’ of David Cameron’s appointment

The SNP has criticized the “absurdity” of David Cameron being Foreign Secretary without being an MP and has also called on Labor MPs in Scotland to back its call for a ceasefire.

SNP foreign affairs spokesman Brendan O’Hara told the Commons: “We already see the absurdity of having a Foreign Secretary who cannot come to speak in this chamber to elected members at a time of serious international crisis. .

“There can only be one political solution to this crisis and it must be found before the entire region is submerged. “That is why a ceasefire is essential.”

On the SNP’s amendment to the King’s Speech calling for a ceasefire, he said: “I hope members of the Scottish Labor Party will be with us in the lobbies, because without justice there can be no peace.”

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 1:22 PM


David Cameron in and Suella Braverman out: ask John Rentoul anything about Rishi Sunak’s cabinet reshuffle

Braverman’s The Independent’s chief political commentator John Rentoul will answer your questions at 1pm as David Cameron makes a dramatic return to frontline politics:

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 1:00 p.m.


Ministers debate inflation at first cabinet meeting

Cabinet ministers discussed the latest inflation statistics amid hopes the Prime Minister can hit his target of halving inflation.

UK wage growth has retreated from record levels, but profits are outpacing inflation at the fastest rate in two years, according to official figures.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said average regular earnings, excluding bonuses, rose 7.7% in the three months to September, below an upwardly revised record high of 7.9% in the three months previous.

A Cabinet readout said: “Ahead of new inflation statistics due to be published tomorrow, the Chancellor said continued progress in reducing the inflation rate was testament to the Government’s hard work in maintaining fiscal discipline, not fueling inflation through additional debt.

“The Prime Minister concluded by saying that it was a shared privilege to be a member of the Cabinet and that he was confident that the people at the table had the energy and ambition to deliver real change for the benefit of the public.”

(PA Wire)

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 12:58


Braverman tent crackdown shelved

Downing Street said Suella Braverman’s plans to crack down on the use of tents by homeless people had been shelved.

Braverman was sacked as home secretary on Monday following a series of controversial comments, including describing homelessness as a “lifestyle choice”.

The plans will not be included in the Criminal Justice Bill, No 10 said.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It will not be included in the Criminal Justice Bill. “I am not aware of any plans for its introduction elsewhere.”

(Getty Images)

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 12:26


Ministers debate Rwanda plan

Rishi Sunak and cabinet ministers were awaiting Wednesday’s Supreme Court decision on the Rwanda plan.

Home Secretary James Cleverly “outlined some of the possible scenarios” for sentencing, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said.

A Cabinet readout said: “Ahead of the Supreme Court ruling on Rwanda’s migration partnership tomorrow, the Prime Minister highlighted the significant progress made by the Government to stop the boats.

Rishi Sunak and cabinet ministers were awaiting Wednesday’s Supreme Court decision on the Rwanda plan.

Home Secretary James Cleverly “outlined some of the possible scenarios” for sentencing, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said.

A Cabinet readout said: “Ahead of the Supreme Court ruling on Rwanda’s migration partnership tomorrow, the Prime Minister highlighted the significant progress made by the Government to stop the boats.

“He said the UK was bucking the global trend by significantly reducing the flow of illegal immigrants into the country, while other countries continue to see their numbers rise.

“In addition to this, he said that we are on track to eliminate the legacy of asylum backlog and that we are making good progress in curbing the use of hotels to house migrants.

“The Home Secretary updated the Cabinet ahead of the court rulings and on wider work to curb illegal migration, including through further return agreements, most recently with Georgia and Albania.”

Athena StavrouNovember 14, 2023 12:19

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