2024 Election

New Hampshire rejects Democratic National Committee and refuses to give up first-in-nation primary

New Hampshire has chosen to defy the Democratic Party and continue holding the first primaries in the country.

In a press conference In the Hall of Flags of the House of Representatives, David Scanlan, Secretary of State of New Hampshire, Announced Wednesday that his state will hold its 2024 primary on Tuesday, Jan. 23.

“We haven’t changed anything,” declared Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH), who joined Scanlon and other officials at the event, later adding that, “In all the craziness of these times, consistency and integrity” in the electoral process it is what the people want.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) decided to shake up its primary calendar by selecting South Carolina as the first presidential nominating state for the 2024 cycle on February 3, causing a scheduling clash with Iowa and New Hampshire. republicans chosen one to keep your calendar the same.

Iowa decided to work with the Democratic National Committee on a plan to hold an in-person caucus to address “party business” and Negative vote elections on January 15, in line with the Republican Party holding its electoral assemblies on that date, while a presidential assembly is held by mail until super tuesday at the beginning of March.

New Hampshire refused to alter state law, which has helped preserve the decades-old tradition of holding the first presidential primary, despite the DNC’s threat to impose sanctions that would strip power from New Hampshire delegates at the national convention. next year in Chicago. .


The Democratic National Committee’s effort to make South Carolina the first presidential nominating state comes as part of a push for greater diversity in the early voting process. South Carolina is also the state where Biden began to gain momentum in the 2020 primary with a victory after taking fourth place in the Iowa caucuses and fifth place in New Hampshire.

Although Biden opted not to appear in the New Hampshire primary due to the brewing confrontation over the order of the electoral races, an effort has been made to get voters Write in the name of the owner. Biden has a pair of primary rivals, including Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and self-help author Marianne Williamson, but he has dominated primary polls.

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