2024 ElectionPolitics

Latest presidential polls: Democrats panic as Trump leads Biden in vital swing states

Former President Donald Trump has increased his lead in the Real Clear Politics national polling average against President Joe Biden in recent weeks, as Democrats sound alarms about Biden’s chances in 2024.

Trump leads Biden between 46% and 44.6% in the survey. average CPR As of Wednesday afternoon, the four most recent polls taken into account by the RCP gave Trump the lead. The former president’s 1.4-point lead is the largest over Biden since late September, when he was ahead by an average of 1.6 points. Trump has led or been tied with Biden in the national RCP polling average for nearly two straight months as the president struggles with low approval ratings and multiple global and domestic crises.

The latest CNN poll, conducted between October 27 and November 2, puts Trump at 49% to Biden’s 45%. Trump leads Biden 44% to 42% in a Morning Consult poll conducted last week, and is up 51% to 48%, according to a CBS News poll conducted between October 30 and 2 of November. A Messenger/Harris X survey The poll conducted last week also has Trump leading 51% to 49%.

A common theme among the surveys was how much weight respondents gave to the economy as the biggest problem heading into 2024. According to the CNN poll, 33% of respondents said the economy was the most important issue to them, while 12% of respondents said voting rights/election integrity and immigration were the most important issues. He CBS News Poll found that only 30% of respondents said the economy was in good condition, while 66% said the economy was performing poorly. The same CBS News poll also found that registered voters were more likely to have a positive outlook on their finances under Trump than under Biden.

A New York Times/Siena survey released earlier this week caught the attention of some Democrats who expressed concern about the former Republican president’s performance in important battleground states against Biden. In the poll, Trump led Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal said he was “baffled” by Trump’s lead in polls in key states after numerous federal and state charges were filed against the former president.

“I have no explanation based on my life paying attention to American civic life and politics. At most points in our history, one indictment would have been enough to disqualify a presidential candidate for the types of crimes alleged,” Blumenthal said, according to The hill. “I am bewildered, perplexed, bewildered and, frankly, a little angry that people can give [Trump] credibility.”

Regarding Biden, the Democratic senator praised the president’s handling of foreign policy issues, but admitted that many people are concerned about the 80-year-old’s bid for a second term.

“I hear immense praise for what he has done and how well he is doing in foreign policy and domestic extremism. He’s doing everything right, is what I hear. And yet concerns about eligibility remain,” Blumenthal said.

Blumenthal’s concern was shared by fellow Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and John Tester (D-MT), who said they wanted Biden to do better in the polls, but added The president still has a year to gain some momentum. However, former Obama adviser and Democratic strategist David Axelrod was not as optimistic about a Biden re-election campaign.

“What’s at stake here is a miscalculation too dramatic to ignore,” Axelrod wrote in X. “If he continues to run, he will be the Democratic Party’s nominee. What you need to decide is whether that is wise; Is it best for HIM or for the country?

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