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Identical twins Kennedy and Morgan Mason, 23: ‘We share everything’

What’s hers is hers.

There are identical twins, and then there are Kennedy and Morgan Mason, 23, who share everything — money, toothbrushes, underwear — equally.

Each referring to the other as an “extension of yourself,” the seeing-double duo, who hail from Los Angeles, shared a room growing up, attended Dartmouth College in New Hampshire together, and now live together, with plans to buy a house — together, naturally.

The inseparable sisters say that their decision to stick together into adulthood makes perfect sense, as each one’s personality compliments the other.

“Morgan is the leader. The driver in our relationship,” Kennedy told SWNS. “I’m more the baby — more of a scatter brain.”

“We’ve always shared our money. We share the money we make from our jobs equally. I deal with all our finances and investments,” she said.

And the sharing began long ago — so they’ve had years of practice.

Morgan and Kennedy went to college together and are now planning to settle down and buy a house together. Morgan and Kennedy Mason / SWNS

“We’ve always done that – even when we were little,” Morgan said. “We never have disputes around what we’re going to spend money on.”

As young girls, the two always shared clothes, and spent most of their time with each other; they even shared a bed for eight months during COVID, when they were stuck in tight accommodations.

“Out of necessity we shared the same clothes – even down to our underwear,” Kennedy confessed.

And while there was a time during college when they weren’t able to live together, they’re thrilled to be back together and working toward their goal of a new house and a car.

Being on the same page helps, the girls said.

“All the pay checks all go into the same account and we divvy it up,” Morgan explained. “Kennedy and I have the same goals and fears surrounding our finances. We talk about our plans and goals as a unit. Our goals are pretty aligned,” she said.

The girls have been sharing everything since they were little, even spending eight months in the same bed out of necessity, during the pandemic. Morgan and Kennedy Mason / SWNS

Sharing also helps them get toward their financial goals faster — food, make-up and toothbrushes are all communal property. And they know they’re closer than they might even be with a partner.

“If Kennedy has ice cream I just have some but I don’t think I’d do that with a significant other,” Morgan mused.

And speaking of dating — it’s allowed, but only with the approval of the other twin, with the understanding that everyone would end up living together. At least until marriage and kids are on the table — then, they might think about splitting up.

Though, they might never get that far.

“If Morgan didn’t like some one I could never date them long term,” Kennedy admitted.

There’s room in their lives for significant others, the twins said, but only with the other’s approval. Morgan and Kennedy Mason / SWNS
Any potential partners would have to want to live with both of the girls — at least until marriage and kids were on the table. Morgan and Kennedy Mason / SWNS
The girls attended Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and work in the tech industry. Morgan and Kennedy Mason / SWNS

“The significant other has to see the importance of our relationship and to make an effort with Kennedy,” Morgan explained.

And it’s not just sisters looking out for each other, they said.

“Having a twin is not like having a sibling,” Kennedy said. “Having a twin feels like you’re the same people in two different bodies.”

“It’s an extension of you.”

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