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Can you eat enough on Thanksgiving to make your stomach explode?

Gobble, gobble.

Americans will consume an average of 3,000 calories at Thanksgiving dinner next Thursday. according to the Calorie Control CouncilAt least some of us might be left worried: could our overfull stomach really explode?

Yes and no, say the experts.

“For the vast majority who gather around the Thanksgiving table, a much more realistic concern is overeating and the uncomfortable feelings that come with it: abdominal discomfort, bloating, heartburn and indigestion are common symptoms,” he said. Dr. Balzora, a gastroenterologist at NYU Langone. wrote in the Washington Post.

The stomach burst phenomenon is extremely rare, the doctor assured readers, and overeating would be an unlikely cause of the intestine going Oppenheimer.

According to experts, it is medically possible for the stomach to explode.
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“Your stomach is a tough organ, with thick muscular walls and a rich blood supply that can easily support even a hearty Thanksgiving meal,” he wrote.

The medical term to describe a person’s stomach becoming a digestive improvised explosive device is called gastrointestinal perforation. This can affect the stomach, large intestine, or small intestine. according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Probable causes include ingestion of harmful substances such as corrosive chemicals or sharp objects, a clogged colon, a gunshot wound, or a complication during a medical procedure. Symptoms may include severe abdominal cramps and bloating.

However, overeating does not usually cause the rupture.
GPAction –
A big Thanksgiving meal probably won’t make your stomach burst.
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For overeaters, there are some natural safeguards to prevent the worst from happening. Nausea, for example, acts as an organic limit to prevent a person from eating; Throwing in the filling should relieve the pressure on your stomach.

“If the pressure in your stomach increases significantly, you will feel nauseated. If the pressure becomes intense, vomiting may occur. “Both protect against gastric rupture,” Balzora wrote.

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