
Anti-Israel mob chanting ‘Long Live Intifada’ light flares outside NYC exhibit that memorializes Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival victims

A depraved mob of anti-Israel protesters lit flares and chanted “Long Live the Intifada” outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit on Monday that memorializes the victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival massacre.

The crowd of demonstrators clashed with police during the rally in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during a “citywide day of rage for Gaza,” according to video from the scene.

The mob of anti-Israel protesters lit flares and chanted “Long Live the Intifada” outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit. FNTV

The protesters chanted “Long Live the Intifada” and “Israel go to hell,” video shows.

Protesters also lit a red flare before receiving a warning from an NYPD official to put it out.  

Police and protesters also faced off when officers demanded protesters get outside the barriers lining the street.

The exhibit memorializes the victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival massacre. X / @martinlieberman
The protests against Israel have been ongoing since the Jewish state was attacked by Hamas terrorists last year. X / @UJAfedNY

The protests against Israel have been ongoing since the Jewish state was attacked by Hamas terrorists last year, leading to the slaughter of 1,200 people and an ensuing military campaign in Gaza by the Israeli military.

Monday’s protest was organized by pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime. 

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