A colleague is taking home our free snacks — should I say something?

Every night, one employee on my staff regularly and openly stuffs his knapsack with these items before he leaves. There isn’t a company policy that says you can’t take these items home, but it still feels wrong and bothers me. Should I say something? Can I tell him to stop even if there isn’t a policy?
There aren’t written policies preventing employees from doing all kinds of crazy things, but it doesn’t mean they are entitled to do them.
I agree on the surface — it’s a bad look and not in the spirit of what the employer intends, which is to provide nourishment and sustenance for employers while they are working in the office.
That said, before you come down hard on your hoarder, inquire why he takes so much home with him each night.
Perhaps he is dropping them off at the homeless shelter, or helping to feed a family that is having financial hardship. In which case, perhaps help him do so in a more organized way.
But if he is just helping himself, explain that he can consume as much as he wants while at work —and if he wants to grab an apple on the way out the door, no problem — but the intent is not to fill his pantry at home.

I am a college student and haven’t been able to find a summer internship in the field I want to pursue for a career. Will it help or hurt me if I take an internship in a field that isn’t part of my career plan? Will that confuse prospective employers?
Internships provide great opportunities to learn about the world of work, and not just in your chosen profession.
Besides, most people change professions several times throughout their careers, so you never know. It’s far better to have an internship than not work at all and just hang out on the beach (well, at least from a career-building standpoint).
There are so many transferable skills and experiences that apply to whatever field you want to pursue, so tell that story when you explain what you did this summer. And remain open-minded — you also might discover a new career path.
Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Wed. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: GoToGreg@NYPost.com. Follow: GoToGreg.com and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande