
Liz Cheney’s shady Jan. 6 texts prove ‘save democracy’ freakout was opportunism

Yet more unethical backroom bull has been revealed around Nancy Pelosi’s hyperpartisan Jan. 6 hearings — this time involving current Dem fave ex-Rep. Liz Cheney and star witness for the prosecution Cassidy Hutchinson. 

Hutchinson, a former White House aide, testified (among other things) that then-President Donald Trump had “lunged” for the wheel of his limousine allegedly because he wanted to be driven over to join the protesters claiming the 2020 election was stolen.

She never saw this “lunge,” it’s crucial to note. She was told about it, she recalled; her testimony was later flatly contradicted by multiple other witnesses.

Not that the truth has ever meant anything to these people. 

And now, it seems, Liz Cheney — the No. 2 in the hearings, and currently touring the country in support of Kamala Harris — played a behind-the-scenes role in getting Hutchinson to offer up this sensationalism. 

Cheney (as a sitting member of Congress) texted with Hutchinson through an intermediary and then directly, even as she knew that trying to co-ordinate testimony without the counsel Hutchinson had retained being present was a major no-no. 

Around the same time as the texts, Hutchinson got new lawyers; the switch-up saw a “dramatic change in testimony and eventual claims against President Trump using second- and third-hand accounts,” per the bombshell release from the House subcommittee that dug up the Cheney texts. 

Cheney herself knew the move was deeply suspect: She didn’t mention it at all in the book she wrote self-praising her own supposed heroism in probing the Jan. 6 mess.  

Also, Cheney herself told Jonathan Karl in an interview at the time that anyone who tried to influence testimony at the hearings should be prosecuted for witness tampering.

How does the old saw about petards and hoisting go?

Look: What happened on Jan. 6 was bad enough without trying to embellish the role Trump played in it. 

And as more and more sunlight gets in, layer after layer of the scuzziest possible behavior by Cheney & Co. is revealed.

That should put paid the idea that the “save Democracy!” freaks were ever in it for anything but scoring their own political points.  

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