The suspense of Mary’s yes
In Luke chapter 1, we are presented with a beautiful account of how the angel came to Mary, how she heard him, and how she responded boldly: “I am the servant of the Lord. May your word be fulfilled for me.” The words contained here should fill every faithful reader with wonder and awe, but most of all with gratitude. These few verses in Luke are one of the great turning points (or momentous turning points) in the entire Bible. They are a response to that tragic turning point in Genesis: the moment of Eve’s disobedience.
Eve’s choice had terrible consequences for all of us. Her yes to the serpent excluded and diminished our true humanity, although, of course, the serpent had promised just the opposite! But if Eve turned her back on God, and returned us all to her, then Mary voluntarily turns to him, and her brave her yes her God welcomes Jesus into the world. In Jesus each one can now choose, if he wishes, to receive God’s welcome. His welcome extends both to the fullness of life here on earth, even with all its limitations, and to eternal life with him.
Our God is the God of freedom and love, and he will not impose himself on anyone. Instead, he politely awaits our assent, our yes to his love. As we read these verses, we almost hold our breath and re-enter the drama of that moment: God offers to come into the world as our savior, and Mary, in this moment, speaks for us all. What will she say? Will she offer her entire life to be renewed, to change forever? Or will she avoid the burden of it?
We should feel an astonishing silence, an agony of suspense, between verses 37 and 38, and then, upon hearing Mary’s response, we should feel great relief and joy. Mary’s yes not only changes everything forever but also shapes our own Christian life. Now we too are called to not be afraid but to be open, to say to God: I too am your servant. May your word be fulfilled for me. In the following sonnet, I have tried to evoke some of the suspense and importance of this moment.
We see so little, we stay on the surfaces,
We calculate the exterior of all things,
Concerned with our own purposes
We miss the shine of angels’ wings,
They shine around us in their joy.
A whirl of wheels, eyes and spread wings,
They guard the good that we intend to destroy,
A hidden glow of glory in God’s world.
But that day a young woman stopped to see
With eyes and heart open. She heard the voice;
The promise of His glory yet to be,
As time stood still so she could make a decision;
Gabriel knelt and not a feather moved,
The Word itself was waiting for his word.
This sonnet, “Annunciation,” is from Sounding the Seasons (Canterbury Press, 2012) and is used with the author’s permission.
Malcolm Guite is a former chaplain and life member of Girton College, Cambridge. He teaches and lectures widely on theology and literature.
This article is part of The Eternal King arrives, a 4-week devotional to help individuals, small groups, and families navigate the 2023 Advent season . Find out more about this special issue that can be used in Advent or any time of year at
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