
Mayor Adams refuses to say if embattled NYPD Commish Caban will resign or be fired in light of fed probe

Mayor Eric Adams wouldn’t say Tuesday whether Edward Caban, the NYPD’s embattled police commissioner, will resign or get fired following a federal raid on the commish’s Rockland County home last week.

“I have the utmost confidence in the New York City Police Department,” Adams said during a virtual press conference from Gracie Mansion, where he is quarantining after testing positive for COVID. “Nobody from City Hall is pressuring the police commissioner to resign. I am City Hall.”

Hizzoner added that he doesn’t think Caban’s security clearance should change — but later conceded he’s not sure what information the FBI has withheld from the commissioner, who has not been charged with a crime.

Embattled Police Commissioner Edward Caban adamantly refuses to resign, sources said. AP

The mayor tried to pivot afterward, saying he wants to be “extremely focused on the fact and we are continuing to move forward fighting for New Yorkers.”

“We are not focused on investigators, but fighting for New Yorkers,” Adams said.

Calls for Caban’s ouster have reached a fever pitch in the days since the raid, in which federal agents busted into his home waving warrants and demanding his electronic devices.

Authorities have said very little about why they raided Caban’s home — or those belonging to several of Adams’ other top allies.

But law enforcement sources have said the investigation centers around sweeping corruption and influence peddling.

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