how to use it to calculate tip and split bill

Here’s some advice.
A overlooked feature Apple Watch helps people calculate tips and the breakdown of a split check when dining, independent reports.
When users open the calculator app on their Apple Watch, they can enter the bill balance before the tip percentage is posted.
Users must tap the TIP button to add the service charge, which is set to 20% by default, but can be replaced with a percentage between 1 and 100 by scrolling the watch’s digital crown.
For example, the watch display will reflect a $600 bill with a 20% tip of $120.
If it’s not a solo dining experience, the watch allows you to split the bill by the number of people in your party.
Select the PEOPLE button to split the bill into up to 50 parts, which would calculate each person’s share, including a 20% tip.
“You see the tip amount, the total amount and how much each person owes if the bill is split evenly,” Apple said. support site read.
The calculator feature, which is not available in all regions, makes tipping easier, but does not guarantee that the user tips the suggested amount.
As The Post previously reported, a survey of tipping culture in the United States conducted by the Pew Research Center found that barely half of American adults always tip their bartender for a drink, and most leave less than the standard 18% to 20% tip after a sit-down meal.

Most Americans are frustrated by “propinflation” and feel they are asked to tip in more places than just five years ago, the survey added.
And a recent survey by bank rate shared that two-thirds of Americans have a negative view of tipping, and one in three Americans think the tipping culture is out of control.