
Gavin Newsom and Dan Goldman show Democrats’ insulting lies never stop

We’re not sure when utterly brazen denial of reality became the norm for modern Democrats, but tendency sure was on prominent display Thursday.

At a high-profile hearing that day, New York’ own Rep. Dan Goldman pushed the absurd claim that Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop “was not authenticated as real.”

In the evening, debating Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, California Gov. Gavin Newsom slung a pack of lies to paint his state as the better-managed.

On the laptop, to quote lefty independent newsman Matt Taibbi: “Enough reporters to fill a Higgins boat and storm Utah beach have worked on verifying its contents,” including Politico’s Ben Schreckinger and whole packs of New York Times and Washington Post journos.

And it turns out the FBI verified it months before we ever saw it.

Heck, Hunter’s own legal team admitted it was his

As for Newsom: He claimed Cali doesn’t slam the middle class, when the income tax on folks earning just $75,000 is 9.3%, (vs. Florida’s zero rate for everyone) and insisted the Golden State’s crime rate is at its lowest in 50 years, when violent crime is up 13.5% over the 2019 rate and mass shoplifting raids there are a national story.

And he claimed more people are moving from Florida to California than vice-versa, contrary to the Census Bureau’s numbers.

He also insisted he’d kept public schools open, an obscene fib.

And Newsom echoed the White House’s misleading stats about the economy doing great.

Then again, President Biden’s still pushing that line, too, even as he still insists his Afghan bugout was a great “success” and the southern border is “secure.”

Why do they think this denialism works?

Newsom and Goldman may figure they can get away with it because their electorates are overwhelmingly Democratic, and their fellow party members will buy it, and of course Biden’s been telling whoppers his whole adult life.

But they can now also count on most of today’s media not to call them out; “fact-checking” is mainly reserved for Republicans.

Heck, the press is full of “why don’t Americans realize the economy is great?” stories, whether out of pure ideological bias or the fact that elite media types no longer have a clue about the experience of the nation’s working class.

Then again, maybe the truth is just too damning.

Hunter’s laptop is full of evidence that he used promises of his father’s influence to rake in cash from foreign entities.

Newsom’s policies have California seeing net outmigration for the first time ever.

And Biden triggered historic inflation that’s still socking average Americans, among other economic woes.

Maybe “don’t believe your lying eyes” is the best argument they can come up with.

We’ll see next November how well it works.

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