Feminists who demonized masculinity now fetishize Luigi Mangione

Leftist women are virtually throwing their bras at alleged United Healthcare CEO killer Luigi Mangione in a fit of sexual mass hysteria that’s taking over social media — and it can be traced to years of denigrating masculinity.
Following Mangione’s December arrest at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s, he instantaneously became a progressive sex symbol, dubbed a “prettier Jesus” and “too fine to get the death penalty,” amidst much more explicit discourse. His Brooklyn jailhouse mailing address has even gone viral.
When he pleaded not guilty to first degree murder charges in a New York courtroom on Monday, seats reserved for members of the public were occupied almost entirely by young women reportedly there to support the 26-year-old. More yet lined up outside with posters reading “Free Luigi.”
Sure, some women in the past have inexplicably swooned over killers like Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez. But the scale and intensity of Mangione madness is unparalleled.
That’s because he’s tapped into a mass sexual frustration that’s been waiting to explode.
After years of harping on toxic masculinity, shaming men and stiff-arming chivalry, some women on the left seem to have fixated on Mangione because he represents a sort of masculinity they are finally allowed to celebrate — one that is coded as politically acceptable.
Murdering someone in cold blood is the most “toxic” form of masculine aggression imaginable … unless, apparently, it’s allegedly done in the name of being anti-corporate and anticapitalist.
Sure it’s hypocritical, but it makes sense on a psychological level.
A generation of young women have been taught to demonize men and stifle their natural desire for the male-female dichotomy in their lives.
In walks Luigi, the pinnacle of masculinity, both in terms of his aesthetics and his actions: a heteronormative frat boy with a strong jawline who allegedly committed coldblooded murder in the most brash manner possible.
He’s catnip for repressed, anti-capitalist ghouls who are able to hide behind their critiques of the insurance industry — and behind their Covid-era masks, lest you try to figure out who his courthouse fans were.
If leftist women are damsels in distress, held captive by the insurance industry and pricey healthcare system, Mangione is their knight in shining armor: fighting on their behalf, slaying the enemy, taking up arms to defend their cause.
This feminine angst is even manifested in the form of frilly “Deny, Defend, Depose” panties, the phrase Mangione allegedly scrawled on the bullets used to ruthlessly murder Brian Thompson. Anti-capitalists are sticking it to the man by shelling out $35 for a single pair.
Mangione fans can also snag a cropped tee of his mug framed in a heart with the phrase “but daddy I love him” — a Taylor Swift reference — printed in hot pink.
It’s all an expression of a feral desperation for a masculine force, a sexual fantasy so twisted that these women have almost forgotten that the slain enemy is no dragon, but rather a father leaving behind two sons.
After shaming the masculinity out of the men around them, ultra-feminists are left with no choice but to grasp at an exaggerated fantasy of gallantry in the form of Mangione, because, when healthy expressions of masculinity and femininity get suppressed, unhealthy extremes get fetishized.
This is no mere theory.
While young women today are outspokenly progressive on gender dynamics in public, a very different story is playing out behind closed doors.
Privately, they are demanding en masse that their sexual partners choke them during sex. In fact, a full two-thirds of college girls — perhaps the most progressive sampling possible — report having been choked during intercourse.
Young women insist that they are just as powerful as men in day to day life and yet, in the bedroom, they are turned on by handing their sexual partner the power to kill them.
Because, when women are conditioned to believe that holding a door and offering a subway seat are misogynistic slights, a suppressed desire for natural gender dynamics will express itself in some other way.
Clearly, third-wave feminism has left women with a distorted relationship with masculinity: It’s something to be disparaged in its healthy forms, and fetishized in its depraved extremes.
That’s because young women have been taught to deny nature by emasculating their partners and suppressing their longing for the yin to their feminine yang. They drove masculinity out of their lives, and now they miss it, whether or not they even consciously know it.
Enter a good-looking alleged killer whose motive aligns with their politics, and you have a sexual sensation on your hands.
In our age where masculinity is toxic, vigilantism is fetishized.