
FDNY boss Laura Kavanagh rips firefighters in texts to NY AG Letitia James: ‘I can’t fix them’

FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh wants to “fix” the behavior of her department’s predominately male workforce — but can’t figure out how to extinguish their flames of discontent.

Kavanagh — who’s butted heads with plenty of male underlings since being named the city’s first female fire commissioner in 2022 — made the blunt admission while apologizing to New York Attorney General Letitia James during a March 8 text exchange, a day after pro-Donald Trump firefighters and other attendees mercilessly booed the Democratic pol during a department promotion ceremony.

“I should have called you last night, but I’ve been trying to find a way to say I’m sorry that doesn’t involve me apologizing for men who don’t deserve such grace,” texted Kavanagh, according to records The Post obtained from the AG’s office through a Freedom of Information Law request.

FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh (lower right) texted New York Attorney General Letitia James (lower left) May 8 to say she wishes she could “fix” the FDNY’s predominately male workforce. BRIGITTE STELZER

“I haven’t succeeded. I am sorry that we didn’t stop them and that I can’t fix them.”

Kavanagh, who began her career in public service working campaigns for ex-President Barack Obama and other Democrats, told her longtime political ally, “I wouldn’t be here without you.”

Kavanagh told James in a March 8 text that she previously helped teach her how dealing with “bullying, threats and lots of booing with grace” is important in public service if you want to “make big change” Obtained by The New York Post

The fire commissioner also thanked James for teaching her firsthand that handling “bullying, threats and lots of booing with grace would be part of the gig if you ever wanted to make big change.”

“So thank you for that. I care about you and will do anything for you, always,” she added.

James thanked Kavanagh for the kind words but refused to admit ever being booed during her 20 years holding elected offices, which include stints as NYC’s public advocate and a Brooklyn councilwoman.

James insisted in a text to Kavanagh that the promotion ceremony was the first time she ever got booed. Obtained by The New York Post

“The guys who were there are new to the dept and don’t know my history as it relates to fdny,” James texted. “We have work to do and I am willing to put in the time. BTW – this is my first time that I have been booed.”

During a May 10 text exchange with another FDNY staffer whose name was redacted, James expressed regrets about agreeing to speak at the ceremony, held three days earlier at Christian Cultural Center’s Brooklyn Campus in Starrett City.

Kavanagh told James a day after the raucous promotion ceremony that she’s yet to “succeed” in “trying to find a way to say I’m sorry that doesn’t involve me apologizing for men who don’t deserve such grace.” Stephen Yang
A predominately male audience that included current and retired firefighters heckled James and repeatedly chanted “Trump!” during the March 7 FDNY promotion ceremony. BRIGITTE STELZER

“I am so sorry [the] episode took away from people being promoted and their families …” James said. “I should have taken temperature, checked with [the] department and stayed away. I have to repair relationships with members.”

James initially planned to hold a Bible while her friend, The Rev. Pamela Holmes, was sworn in as the department’s second female chaplain, and the first Black woman to hold that title.

However, Kavanagh texted the attorney general two days before the ceremony and convinced her to also be a guest speaker.

James was greeted by loud jeers while walking to the podium during the event. As she continued her speech, the booing swiftly turned to chants in support of Trump.

James (shown waving) agreed to speak at the promotion ceremony to honor her friend, The Rev. Pamela Holmes, who was sworn in as the department’s second female chaplain, and the first Black woman to hold that title. BRIGITTE STELZER

Kavanagh returned to the Christian Cultural Center March 11 to tell church members she’s sorry James was met with boos — but only after sending the attorney general a copy of her prepared remarks and getting a green light to proceed.

“I’ll send them over to make sure there isn’t anything you’re uncomfortable with,” Kavanagh texted March 10.

The heckling came mere weeks after James’ office won a $454 million civil fraud judgment against Trump, which the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is appealing. 

FDNY spokesman Jim Long said Kavanagh’s texts to James “reflect her deep disappointment and frustration about the actions of a few bad actors, who may or may have not been active” FDNY employees.

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