Elizabeth Tabish Reveals How Her Faith Has Changed Since The Chosen

After starting as a crowd-funded passion project in 2017, The Chosen — which follows Jesus and His disciples — is now a global phenomenon with more than 200 million viewers, including A-listers like the Kardashians, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani and Whoopi Goldberg. It’s also had a huge impact on the cast, including Elizabeth Tabish, who plays Mary Magdalene.
“This show has changed my life in every imaginable way,” says the 38-year-old Oklahoma native, who also stars in the faith-based film Between Borders. “I was really lost, lonely and confused about where God was before. Now, I see God everywhere. It’s so clear that God is in everything, and love is everywhere.”
Here, Elizabeth — who’s been wed to playwright husband Stan Mayer since 2022 — talks to In Touch’s Katie Bruno about Season 5, her costars and a new adventure.
How has your faith changed?
ET: I did not have the best experiences with religion growing up. It always felt like a very exclusive clique. I felt excluded. Getting to see these stories unfold [reminded me] of who Jesus really is and what He was teaching us about how to treat others and how to love your enemy. It’s reminded me to not get too cynical about organized religion and it’s made me want to have a direct relationship with God.
This season covers Holy Week. What was the hardest part to film?
ET: In the first episode, we’re entering [Jerusalem] and there are so many people celebrating. I was surprised by my reaction filming that, and I realized it was probably similar to something Mary would feel as well — a combination of joyful and grieving. He will be dying soon.
How is Mary misunderstood?
ET: There’s been so much speculation about who she is. People have said she’s a prostitute, Jesus’ wife, a saint. I try to focus on how she’s described in the Gospels: She was possessed by seven demons, Jesus healed her, she helped finance the ministry, she was at the Crucifixion, and she was the first person to see Him resurrected.
You’ve said your own struggles helped you play the part. How so?
ET: I had gone through a combination of bad experiences and depression. I don’t think I would’ve booked the role had I not. By the time I read the script, I said, “This is me.” We see her go back to old habits and fears, and that’s such a human thing to do.
Which costar are you closest to?
ET: Probably Jordan [Walker Ross], who plays little James. He’s like my brother. We laugh all the time and cheer each other up when we’re filming painful scenes. I also love working with Jonathan [Roumie], who just transforms into Jesus.
Will you be in the post-Resurrection sequel, The Way of The Chosen?
ET: I haven’t heard anything official. I really hope so, though. Getting to see Mary as an older woman [in flash-forwards during Season 4] living in this cave in the South of France — that would be really fascinating to explore.
You did film the spinoff Chosen in the Wild with Bear Grylls….
ET: I had so much fun. I was deeply resistant. I’m so scared of the outdoors and getting hurt, heights, all of it. But I ended up doing the hardest course, so there is a little bit of a daredevil in me!