California runner roars for her life as mama bear charges

A video recorded on November 8 shows a jogger’s terrifying encounter with a mother bear and her two cubs on a hiking trail in Sierra Madre, California.
“I went out for a run and turned a blind corner to find a mother bear’s head about 5 inches from my waist and her cubs a few feet behind her,” the runner said.
Their video begins with the mother bear charging toward the runner on the dusty dirt trail.
The runner quickly backs away and begins roaring at the animal in an effort to scare the mother bear and her cubs.
However, when the runner turns a bend in the trail, she sees the bears following her.
The mother bear even pokes her head around the bend to see the runner.
The runner continues backing away, roaring and blowing a whistle, only to see at least one cub following closely behind its mother.

She then meets a fellow hiker on the trail, who helps her encourage the bears to take a separate trail from the one they intended to walk on.