11-year-old migrant robs a straphanger on the 7 train: Letters

The Issue: A young Venezuelan migrant arrested for robbing and assaulting a straphanger.
The story in the Post about an 11-year-old boy from Venezuela who allegedly punched someone on the 7 train and stole his cell phone is sad (“Video of kid thug ‘beaters’,” Aug. 16).
Has it come to this — that migrant children are resorting to crime? The situation in New York becomes more dangerous with each passing week. What is going to be done about this?
What is Mayor Adams doing to rectify the situation? He seems reluctant to take any meaningful action to protect New Yorkers.
The NYPD needs his full support as it attempts to deal with the increasing criminal element on our streets and in our subways. Our city is a haven for crime.
John Amato
Fresh Meadows
The story on the 11-year-old migrant alleged robber is the last straw. What heinous crimes will he commit when he is older?
There is no gratitude from illegal immigrants for our hospitality. We should set a precedent and send them, along with their family members, back to their country after they commit their first crime.
Perhaps if they know that committing a crime means leaving America with no questions asked, they’ll think twice.
We as New Yorkers should be able to freely walk our streets and enjoy our parks and quality of life without worrying about being robbed by illegal immigrants among us.
Susan Green
As our city sees more and more juvenile crime, it seems that many of these young punks have taken a page right out of that horror movie “A Clockwork Orange.”
Beatings, rapes, robberies and other crimes are way up. Why, in God’s name, would tourists want to come here?
Harve Kaye
Listen up, New Yorkers: When you get run down by a migrant on a moped going the wrong way on Sixth Avenue, when a family member gets robbed by an 11-year-old Venezuelan illegal immigrant, when your apartment building burns down because an immigrant is charging a scooter in the hallway and the lithium battery explodes and when your family can’t visit because there are no rooms left in a hotel (due to it becoming a migrant shelter), just remember that diversity remains our greatest strength.
Jake McNicholas
It’s bad enough that innocent people get mugged in Central Park, raped on Coney Island and robbed by roving bands of e-bike riding marauders.
Now, criminal migrants as young as 11 have taken root in this city, and New Yorkers are paying for all this mayhem like the suckers they are. It’s only a matter of time before these kids seriously hurt someone.
And even then, family court will slap them on the wrist and tell them not to do it again. Forget about the victims.
Joseph Valente
Staten Island
Young South American boys, from ages 11 to 25, have little to no hope.
Mayor Adams and the Biden administration help bring them in. They come to New York, don’t speak English and resort to what they know best—crime.
Those who pay for this with their taxes are the ones who suffer. Women are being raped and assaulted. It is beyond the pale, and we all know it.
It is untenable, and our society is collapsing.
Pete Paone
New York invited an unlimited number of unvetted people. And now the city is getting what it asked for with these absurd policies.
Add the unintended consequences of increased crime, an unwillingness to incarcerate criminals and chaos in schools — and you have a big mess.
Schools are deteriorating and becoming more expensive each year because charter school growth is stymied, and integrating undocumented immigrants is only worsening the problems.
The only solution for New York’s decay is to remove career politicians and put reformers into power. If not, the future will only continue to grow bleaker.
Larry Hootnick
Water Mill
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