Selfish Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris solely for what she could do for him

Playing the veep stakes
Biden’s always been crafty. Cunning. Not for the country. For himself. For family.
He never christened some extra special anything else for anybody else. Always the No. 2 guy. Never the brains. Not really sweating. Just glad-handing.
We’re talking smiling. Surviving. Taking bows. Photos. Making friends. Connections. Learning how everything operates. But for him. Accomplishing for any other guy — zilch.
When it comes to him, he’s savvy. The way he operates is it’s permanently his ass he’s saving. The man always knew how to hang on.
If looking for accomplishments, try Biden’s son. Or Joe’s wife’s hairdresser. Or certain business people who operate his home state of Delaware, which is smaller than my Raisin Bran box.
Now, kindly pay attention:
This is exactly absolutely completely why he picked Kamala for veep. Certainly not for her ability to strategize. Or speak. Or actually accomplish anything.
She suited him. Helped get him elected. Not that she’d in any way helped the country. Not that she’d dredged up any creativity. She had no plan. No idea. No help. Useless.
It’s just that who she was and how she got born was helpful. To him. Him. Only to Him. Help him get elected.
She alone embodied the things he needed to grab the White House.
So now the USA’s got her.
However, few voters in the United States of America are maniacally enthusiastic about her. Yes, she’ll draw females. Also black voters, plus deluded Democrats. Plus Bernie Sanders — may his tripe decrease. Also uninvited migrants — but voters? Please!
Ever hear her attempt a speech? My Yorkie — when he needs to pee — comes off better.
So the Godblessus great country that we love — land of the free, home of the craven, leader of the free world — bounces downward. From Biden the nothing to Kamala the zero.
I do not say she isn’t attractive. I do not say she doesn’t have supporters. I only say in the words of Marie Antoinette: “Listen, guys, I think you’re making a mistake.”
I heard Kamala on TV speak a sentence like: “I can match the record of Donald Trump.” Yeah? I mean, yeah?
And wouldn’t the civilized world be deeply interested in her presidential sit-down with Putin who would probably have to spend weeks studying up before he faced her? Or a one-on-one with the guy running Iran? In anticipation, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is already quaking in his kimchi.
High hopes but low appraisals.
Presidential roast
Midtown, Saturday night at Arno’s, stuffing myself on Italian goodies, manager Carlos Pereira seated me between teens and tweens and another table of mommas and poppas.
The mommas and poppas were sticking their forks into Kamala.
Since we are all created equal, it has been said, repeated and written that every one of us still has a chance to become president in the United States of America. Yeah, good, great, OK — but why now?
Only in the USA, kids, Only in the USA.