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I had 6 ribs removed to slim down — I’m making them into a crown

Some people will do just about anything to get their dream body.

A trans woman from Kansas City had six ribs removed in order to achieve a smaller waist — and now she bizarrely plans to turn her spare parts into a crown.

Emily James dished out a whopping $17,000 for the elective cosmetic surgery — and she’s eager to commemorate the peculiar procedure in a most unusual way.

Emily James dished out a whopping $17,000 for the cosmetic surgery that would make her waist smaller. Emily James / CATERS NEWS

“I plan on having someone make a crown out of them,” James, 27, told Caters News. “They let me keep the ribs and I was initially going to gift them to my best friend.”

As she was recovering, the Missourian had to wear a corset around the clock to help with the swelling, though she admitted that her pain is only at a 2 on a scale of 10 — thanks for her team of doctors and nurses.

She has used social media to share the journey of the procedure as well as the recovery process — garnering mixed responses from viewers.

“In three days I’m getting three ribs removed on each side,” she said in a video before the procedure.

“I’m going to have an Emily barbeque,” she quipped.

During recovery, she shared online that she got her ribs removed for cosmetic purposes and they let her keep the removed ribs.

“They let me keep the ribs and I was initially going to gift them to my best friend,” James said. Emily James / CATERS NEWS

“I plan on making them into a crown,” she shared.

“I’ve had people say they would make them into a chew toy or boil them down into broth,” James said. “Personally, I think my meat would taste delicious.”

Despite some people’s suggestions, James said she won’t be eating her ribs in any form.

“Eating human meat can cause a plethora of disorders that are fatal,” she said. “So, I will not be partaking in cannibalism thank you.”

Many have made jokes and comments about James’ strange decision — but she’s ignoring the haters.

Emily James plans on making a crown out of her rib bones. Emily James / CATERS NEWS

“Getting my ribs removed doesn’t change the fact that I’m a kind loving trans girl,” James explained. “I know some of your moms walk around with [Brazilian butt lifts], how is this any different?”

“It is my money, my body and I’m going to do what I want with it,” she emphasized.

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