Battered sex doll in NYC embraced in Bushwick with memorial

This is one dirty street corner.
A battered sex doll left on an industrial corner of Bushwick has become a neighborhood attraction — with locals erecting a makeshift shrine around it.
The dirt-caked rubber soul has sat at the corner of Knickerbocker Avenue and Melrose Street since at least Sunday — and by Wednesday it was surrounded by an LGBTQ flag, beer cans and a lit candle featuring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a Jesus-like image.
Chloë Peterson, 29, who lives two blocks away, told The Post she first saw the doll on Monday while showing a friend from Paris around Bushwick.
“She clearly got a taste of the neighborhood with this,” Peterson said. “I originally thought it was a homeless woman from afar, but once I saw that her arms/fingers were crooked I … realized she was a doll.
“She immediately creeped me out, I felt like she definitely had dark energy about her,” Peterson added.
After Peterson posted a photo online of the bizarre scene to get answers, one Reddit user was quick to point out the creepy figure is a sex doll that could cost $8,000 to $15,000 — with some models even equipped with an AI “brain.”
“This one has had the hair removed (you can change its hair with wigs) and just beat to death,” the user wrote. “But with a little cleaning it can be resold for THOUSANDS.”
The doll, which locals say has been resting on the street since at least Sunday, has since spurred a makeshift memorial on Knickerbocker Avenue across from a Pentecostal church.
Her naked head has also been covered with a black garbage bag and a bandana.
“It’s going to become a Bushwick icon,” Acrio De Leon, who lives across the street said. “I’m surprised there isn’t [any] graffiti of it here already … This is the type of thing that can only happen in Bushwick. In Manhattan they would have already taken her off the street.”
Someone has been moving the doll in different positions, De Leon said.
One Reddit user even noted the doll’s head was off at some point Monday, and “someone must have reattached it.”
Over the course of about an hour, a dozen passersby stopped to take photos of the doll on the quiet street Wednesday afternoon, while others stared and laughed.
“Hey, leave my girlfriend alone!” a sanitation worker said from afar.
Peterson, however, told The Post she wants the doll off the streets and out of sight.
“I would prefer it to be removed … because it’s super creepy,” Peterson said. “I don’t know who would leave such a doll there and I would prefer not to know.”
Peterson deemed the strange display “misogynistic,” adding that online Reddit users have reported people kicking the doll.
“I don’t think a male sex doll in the same position would become this popular,” Peterson said.
Despite her desire for the doll’s departure from the neighborhood, Peterson acknowledged she hasn’t called city officials to remove her from the area because she is “afraid to get involved.”
Until the doll meets her fate at the dump, Peterson predicts she’ll continue to be the perverse object of attention.
“I think the traction my post garnered probably also turned into some kind of inside joke for the neighborhood,” Peterson said.
“But I did see a few odd people around it when I went by her again last night, so there might be some kind of attachment that people have created toward her.”